Yerevan Education and Research Institute of the West Ukrainian National University from April 1 for the 2025/2026 academic year organizes distance preparatory courses in the subjects of "ECONOMY",   "INFORMATICS AND COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES" and "FOREIGN LANGUAGE (ENGLISH)".

For economic specialties:

  • Economics – 42 academic hours.
  • Foreign language (English) - 42 academic hours

For the specialty "Computer Engineering":

  • Informatics and computer technologies – 42 academic hours.
  • Foreign language (English) - 42 academic hours

Listeners at the end of the preparatory courses take the exam, in case of taking the positive grades they enter the 3rd or 2nd course of the Institute  by full-time education and part-time  education. 

The monthly cost of each item is 10,000 / ten thousand / AMD

You can fill in the blanks online by following the link:

Three-month distance preparatory courses for college graduates


Yerevan Education and Research Institute of the West Ukrainian National University from March 20 for the 2025/2026 academic year organizes distance preparatory courses in the subjects of "GEOGRAPHY", "FOREIGN LANGUAGE (ENGLISH)"  and "MATHEMATICS".

For economic specialties:

  • Geography - 42 academic hours.
  • Foreign language (English) - 42 academic hours.

For the specialty "Computer Engineering":

  • Mathematics - 42 academic hours.
  • Foreign language (English) - 42 academic hours.

At the end of the preparatory courses, students take an exam, if they receive a positive assessment, they enter the 1st year of the Institute of full-time and part-time education.

The monthly cost of each item is 10,000 / ten thousand / AMD

You can fill in the blanks online by following the link:

For 12th grade and primary professional / vocational / graduate graduates

West Ukrainian National University
College at Yerevan Education and Research Institute 
 for the 2024/2025 academic year no admission will be made 



Admission to the Collage at  Yerevan  Education and Research Institute  is held without an entrance exam. 
The applicant submits a general interview. In case of a competition, the average grade of the 9th form 
graduation certificate is taken into account. The graduates of the college receive a state diploma issued 
by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, which is recognized all over the world.
Graduates of the College at Yerevan Education and Research Institute of WUNU receive  the qualification 
of a junior specialist and can continue their studies in a bachelor’s degree from the 2rd year․ 
At the college, the  education is carried out on a full-time basis, in the following specialties:
  1. Accounting and Taxation - 3 years
  2. Computer Engineering - 4 years
  3. Finance, Banking and Insurance - 3 years
The training is organized in Armenian 

Admission is ongoing.

(junior specialist)

Required documents:
  • Application form:
  • Graduation certificate and a copy:
  • Copy of passport or birth certificate:
  • 8 photos (size 3 x 4):
  • Military ID card or certificate of registration and a copy (if available):
For more information call:
Phone: (+374 10) 61 22 02, 61 30 10, +374 41 45 86 15 
You can also fill in the applications online and  send it to [email protected]


Bachelor’s  Degree
Yerevan Education and Research Institute of WUNU 
announces 2025/2026 academic year undergraduate admission.
Education with a bachelor's degree is carried out by:
  • Full-time education - 4 years of study
  • Part-time education - 4 years of study
The following specialties are  in the bachelor's program:
  • Management:
  • Tourism
  • Accounting and Taxation
  • Computer Engineering
  • Finance, Banking and Insurance

  Admission is ongoing.

 The applicant takes  entrance exams according to the chosen specialty.
  • Management  
    Geography (oral)
  •  Armenian language or foreign language/English/
  • Tourism 
    Geography (oral)
  • Armenian language or foreign language/English/
  • Accounting and Taxation  
    Geography (oral)
  • Armenian language or foreign language/English/
  • Finance, Banking, Customs and Insurance
    Geography (oral)
  • Armenian language or foreign language/English/
  • Computer Engineering 
    Mathematics (oral)
  • Armenian language or foreign language/English/
Graduates of colleges can be admitted to the 2-rd year of the Institute in the same specialty. 
"Accounting", "Management", "Computer Engineering", "Tourism", "Finance, Banking and  Insurance" 
Students of Yerevan Education an Research Institute undergraduate internships in RA
ministries, banks, as well as other leading organizations, and if they wish 
the can go to Ukraine.
The graduates of the institute receive a state diploma from the West Ukrainian 
National University, which is recognized all over the world.
Tuition fees:

The following documents are required for admission:
  • Application form (fill in at the Institute)
  • Certificate and a copy, and  for the 2nd or 3rd year a diploma and insert
  • Copy of passport or birth certificate:
  • 8 photos (size 3 x 4)
  • The copy of Military ID card  and  Certificate  of registration (if available)
Call for more information
Phone: (+374 10) 61-22-02, 61-30-10,  +374 41 45 86 15 
You can also fill in the applications online and send it to [email protected]
Download: Bachelor Application
Entrance exam questionnaire
Download  Economics
Download  Informatics and Computing
Download  Geography




West Ukrainian National University Yerevan Education and Research Institute announces 2025/2026 academic year admission to Master's Degree

Teaching at the Institute with a Master's degree qualification is carried out in full-time and part -time forms with a duration of 1 year and 4 months, specializing in "Accounting and Taxation" .

Master's entrance exams start:

  1. Admission is ongoing

Admission exams for vacancies will be organized until October 29 as needed.

Graduates or persons with a bachelor's or a master's degree can be admitted to a master's program to deepen their professional knowledge, retrain, or acquire new skills.

The training is organized in Armenian and in Russian languages.

Applicants take entrance exams: Professional (oral),

Foreign language / English / (oral).

Applicants who have graduated from another specialty take an exam in "Theory of Economics" (oral).

Tuition fees:

Master's Degree:

Masters of Yerevan Education a Research Institute of WUNU pass the undergraduate internship in the Ministries of the Republic of Armenia, in banks, as well as in other leading organizations, and if they wish, they can also go to Ukraine. The graduates of the institute receive a state diploma from WUNU ,which is issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The diploma is recognized in all countries of the world.

Required documents:

  • Application form:
  • Higher Education Diploma,
  • insert and copies:
  • Passport and a copy:
  • A copy of the military ID card or certificate of registration:
  • 6 photos (3 × 4 size).

For more information call:

Phone: (+ 374 10) 61 22 02, 61 30 10, +374 41 45 86 15 

You can also fill in the applications online and send it to [email protected]

Download: Master's application

Entrance exam questionnaire

Download: Accounting and Taxation

Download: Theory of Economics

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